mlektic.plot_utils package


mlektic.plot_utils.plot_utils module

mlektic.plot_utils.plot_utils.plot_cost(cost_history: List[Union[float, int]], epoch_points: bool = False, title: str = 'Training Cost over Iterations', xlabel: str = 'Iterations', ylabel: str = 'Cost', title_size: int = 13, label_size: int = 10, style: str = 'bmh', point_color: str = 'blue', line_color: str = 'blue', dim: Tuple = (7, 5)) None[source]

Generates a static plot of the cost history during training.

  • cost_history (List[Union[float, int]]) – List of cost values recorded during training.

  • epoch_points (bool, optional) – Whether to show points at each epoch. Default is False.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot. Default is “Training Cost over Iterations”.

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Label for the x-axis. Default is “Iterations”.

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Label for the y-axis. Default is “Cost”.

  • title_size (int, optional) – Font size of the title. Default is 13.

  • label_size (int, optional) – Font size of the axis labels. Default is 10.

  • style (str, optional) – Style of the plot. Default is ‘bmh’.

  • point_color (str, optional) – Color of the points. Default is ‘blue’.

  • line_color (str, optional) – Color of the line. Default is ‘black’.

  • dim (Tuple, optional) – Dimensions of the plot (width, height). Default is (7, 5).



mlektic.plot_utils.plot_utils.plot_dynamic_cost(cost_history: List[Union[float, int]], title: str = 'Training Cost over Iterations', xlabel: str = 'Iterations', ylabel: str = 'Cost', title_size: int = 13, label_size: int = 10, style: str = 'bmh', point_color: str = 'blue', line_color: str = 'black', pause_time: float = 0.1, dim: Tuple = (10, 6)) None[source]

Generates a dynamic plot of the cost history during training, showing each point as it is added.

  • cost_history (List[Union[float, int]]) – List of cost values recorded during training.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot. Default is “Training Cost over Iterations”.

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Label for the x-axis. Default is “Iterations”.

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Label for the y-axis. Default is “Cost”.

  • title_size (int, optional) – Font size of the title. Default is 13.

  • label_size (int, optional) – Font size of the axis labels. Default is 10.

  • style (str, optional) – Style of the plot. Default is ‘bmh’.

  • point_color (str, optional) – Color of the points. Default is ‘blue’.

  • line_color (str, optional) – Color of the line. Default is ‘black’.

  • pause_time (float, optional) – Pause time between updates in seconds. Default is 0.1.

  • dim (Tuple, optional) – Dimensions of the plot (width, height). Default is (10, 6).



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